20th Anniversary of Kim Jong Il’s Election as NDC Chairman Commemorated

Posted on the 08 April 2013 by Michael_nklw @Michael_NKLW

View of the platform (rostrum) and participants at a national meeting commemorating the 20th anniversary of the election of Kim Jong Il to National Defense Chairman at the 25 April House of Culture in Pyongyang on 8 April 2013 (Photos: KCNA)

DPRK state media reported on 8 April (Monday) that a national meeting was held at the 25 April House of Culture in Pyongyang. to commemorate the 20th anniversary of late leader Kim Jong Il’s election as National Defense Commission [NDC] Chairman.  KJI was elected NDC Chairman on 9 April 1993 at the fifth session of the 9th Supreme People’s Assembly [SPA], and used that position to establish himself as the country’s supreme leader.  Attending the national meeting were SPA Presidium President Kim Yong Nam, newly appointed DPRK Cabinet Premier Pak Pong Ju, other senior officials and “a chairperson of a friendly party, officials of party, armed forces and power organs, the Cabinet, social bodies, ministries and national institutions, service personnel of the Korean People’s Army and the Korean People’s Internal Security Forces, officials in the fields of science, education, literature and arts, public health and media and Pyongyangites.”

Overviews of the national meeting commemorating the 20th anniversary Kim Jong Il’s election as NDC Chairman, held at the 25 April House of Culture on 8 April 2013 (Photos: KCNA)

DPRK Premier Pak Pong Ju delivers a report at a national meeting commemorating the 20th anniversary Kim Jong Il’s election as NDC Chairman held in Pyongyang on 8 April 2013 (Photo: KCNA)

In his first major appearance since his appointment as DPRK Premier, Pak Pong Ju delivered the meeting’s official report.  According to KCNA, Pak said in his report:

It was a historical event of great significance in developing the DPRK and carrying out the Songun revolutionary cause of Chuch’e that Kim Jong Il assumed the responsible post as chairman of the NDC as desired by all the service personnel and people of the DPRK and absolutely trusted by them.

The reporter noted that Kim Jong Il successfully solved all issues arising in the nation-building in the era of Songun with his rare wisdom and sagacious leadership, setting a true example in building a thriving socialist nation in the era of independence.

He built the state machinery with the NDC as a pivot as required by the changed reality and prevailing situation, thus providing the DPRK highly dignified with Military-First (So’ngun) with an ever-lasting bedrock for eternal prosperity, the reporter pointed out, and went on:

Kim Jong Il wisely led the acute nuclear confrontation with the U.S. imperialists with his iron will and rare pluck.

Under his leadership the DPRK succeeded in two underground nuclear tests, proudly ranking itself among nuclear weapons states.

He set forth an original and scientific idea on army building in the era of Military-First (So’ngun) and made endless long journeys for do-or-die Songun leadership, developing the People’s Army into the most powerful revolutionary army in the world, the strong in ideology and faith.

He put the self-reliant defence industry on the firm basis of cutting-edge science and technology and turned the civilian defence forces into invincible ranks and the whole territory into an impregnable fortress.

He energetically led the work for arming the service personnel and people with the Chuch’e idea and the Military-First (So’ngun) idea and bolstering up the driving force of the revolution with the KPA as a main force.

He regarded it as an important requirement for acquiring the status of a thriving nation to have access to satellites and carrier rockets and steered the drive for conquering space.

He unfolded a bright blueprint for building an economic power in the period when the country was undergoing the worst trial and saw to it that astonishing events took place one after another in the all-people advance for a great surge in the efforts to materialize it.

He provided the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the October 4 declaration, consistently pursuing the policy of national reunification based on the patriotic Songun politics for achieving national independence and thus brought about a radical change in the reunification movement advancing in the idea of “By our nation itself”.

He conducted energetic external activities, always holding fast to the independent stand and revolutionary principle, remarkably raising the international prestige of the DPRK and making an immortal contribution to accomplishing the cause of independence against imperialism and the cause of socialism.

His idea of nation-building in the era of Songun and exploits performed by him in it are being successfully carried forward by the dear respected Kim Jong Un.

The DPRK will eternally grow stronger and prosper despite all sorts of tests of history under the outstanding and tested leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

The service personnel and people should more powerfully demonstrate the spirit and national power of Songun Korea and bring about a turning point in the building of a thriving nation, single-mindedly united around the WPK, the reporter concluded.

A floral basket delivered by foreign military attaches stationed in the DPRK, sent to Kim Jong Un, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of his father, Kim Jong Il’s election as chairman of the National Defense Commission. The floral basket was delivered by Iranian military attache Hassan Reza Husseini, dean of foreign military attaches in the DPRK, and accepted by Gen. Kim Kyok Sik, Minister of the People’s Armed Forces, on 8 April 2013. (Photo: KCNA)

DPRK state media also reported that on 8 April, military attaches stationed in the DPRK delivered a congratulatory letter and flower basket to Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n).  The flowers were accepted by Minister of the People’s Armed Forces, Gen. Kim Kyok Sik, and delivered by Iranian military attache Hassan Reza Husseini and the letter was delivered to one of KJU’s personal aides by the Egyptian military attache.

Filed under: Central Committee, Central Military Committee, central party life, DPRK Cabinet, DPRK External Relations, DPRK Premier, Events Management Section, Guard Command, Kim Family, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Kim Yong Nam, Korean People's Army (KPA), Korean Workers' Party (KWP), National Defense Commission (NDC), North Korean press, Organization and Guidance Department, Pak Pong Ju, Party elders, party life, Political Bureau, Secretariat, Supreme People's Assembly, Working Organizations