2024: Five New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your London Home

Posted on the 29 December 2023 by Bboj Handyman

Now Christmas is over and the new year is about to arrive, it’s the perfect time to get your house back in order and plan how best to improve it over the next 12 months.

Improve your home’s energy efficiency

Both gas and electricity continue to be expensive, and so spending time and money on improving your London home’s energy efficiency will be both good for the environment and good for your pocket. There are a wealth of ways that you could be wasting energy, but the most important fixes are to block any drafts around your windows and doors, make sure you have good insulation, bleed your radiators for optimal central heating performance, and install a smart thermostat.

If you would like some help finding out how best to improve your property’s energy efficiency, then the experienced team at BBOJ is here to help.

Schedule regular maintenance

All properties will start to fall into disrepair if they are not regularly maintained. Some of these maintenance tasks are well known, such as having your boiler serviced every year to make sure it is running both efficiently and safely. However, there are a number of other tasks which should also be regularly scheduled including clearing your gutters every winter, checking your taps for drips, and ensuring that the grouting around your tiles and sealant around your bath and shower are watertight.

You can perform much of this maintenance yourself (excluding the boiler service), but for those who are time-poor, or would prefer a professional to make sure everything is working in the most efficient way possible, then a regular House MOT from your friends at Bits Bobs and Odd Jobs is a great option.

Plan out and plant your garden

Gardens can become overgrown and unwieldly very quickly, with weeds growing in all the wrong places. If you have a garden at your London property, no matter the size, it is important to plan out exactly how you would like it to look in all seasons and to remember to plant the right seeds and bulbs at the right time.

Declutter for the season

Unless you are a particularly organised family, your home can quickly become cluttered with clothes, post, packaging, and all sorts left out. It can be almost impossible to keep decluttering as you go, so the best option for most people is to declutter for the season – which means decluttering and clearing your house four times per year. Choosing to declutter each season gives you the opportunity to put away clothes and other items like sporting goods that will not be used for the next six months, leaving much more space for the items that are in rotation.

Review your curb appeal

The first impression counts. This is certainly true for those looking to buy a new home, but also for yourself when you come home at the end of each day. If your home looks well-put-together and inviting, then that will put you in a better mood than seeing your home with peeling paint, cracked woodwork, and other issues. So whether you plan to sell your home in the next six months, or plan to stay where you are for the next decade, it is always worth putting some time and effort into making sure that the front of your home is looking the best it can. This means regularly repainting the front door and external woodwork, touching up and exterior wall paintwork, keeping the front garden tidy, and more.

If you would like some help to improve your home in 2024, then BBOJ’s skilled multi-trader handyman are hereto help. Book us now to help you turn your London property into the dream home you know it could be.