202 Bite-Sized Tips To Insanely Increase Your Blog Traffic

Posted on the 20 December 2013 by Ana Hoffman @AnaTrafficCafe
202 Bite-Sized Tips To Insanely Increase Your Blog Traffic

These bite-sized gems to increase your blog traffic are a perfect push to get your creative juices going and make them work for YOUR blog and YOUR audience.

Please enjoy, implement, and share.

And always remember how to eat an elephant.


Ana’s Ultimate Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

1. Create list posts (preferably with a twist).

2. Write a tutorial.

3. Give away your very best content and then some.

4. Be current – write about tomorrow today.

5. Don’t write about your cats, dogs, boyfriends, kids.

6. Be timeless – write a post that will remain current for years.

7. Write with “everybody is entitled to my opinion” attitude.

8. Write about your kids.

9. Write about other bloggers’ best posts.

10. Make your own “best of the best” list.

11. Become an expert in your niche.

12. Break news.

13. Make news.

14. Write short, laconic posts.

15. Do interviews with the “cream of the crop”.

16. Use polls, giveaways, and other eye candy.

17. Write long, conclusive posts.

18. Respond to all comments.

19. Respond to all emails.

20. Write about pros and cons of an issue.

21. Write on a controversial topic and close comments.

22. Make readers depend on you by sharing your expertise generously.

23. Write about blogging.

24. Blog about writing.

25. Take an alternate position.

26. Write a post for beginners.

27. Ask experts to make comments on your best posts.

28. Write an advanced post.

29. Encourage your readers to tweet, like, and +1 your posts.

30. Write about Google.

31. Write about Twitter.

32. Bookmark all your posts.

33. Interview parties with opposing views.

34. Research a topic and post your findings.

35. Integrate references to sports in your posts.

Twitter Kaepernicked by Google Plus? | Should You Use Google Plus? from Ana Hoffman

36. Post with personality.

37. Run relevant ads that are even better than your content.

38. Write exclusively about a certain theme for a week.

39. Ask a question everyone else is afraid of asking.

40. Run no ads.

41. Use your skills to help a non-profit – pro bono.

42. Update an old post with new ideas.

43. Post your photos on flickr.

44. Crowdsource your next post idea to your readers.

45. Write a satirical post.

46. Use an outrageous photo.

47. Make it easy to share what you are doing.

48. Encourage visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed.

49. Give visitors a good reason to opt in to your list.

50. Coin a term or two.

51. Pioneer a great topic and then encourage others to blog about the same thing.

52. Don’t overwhelm visitors with too many options.

53. Write a list of 101 people, blogs, topics in your niche.

54. Create a mock head-to-head competition among bloggers.

55. Mention some useful, but little known resources.

56. Make a post that solves a problem.

57. Make a post that inspires.

58. Encourage your followers to help you dominate top blog lists.

59. Write a post that causes controversy.

60. Do a 30-day challenge.

61. Write a long comment.

62. Start a blog meme.

63. Share your blog statistics with your readers.

64. Pick a topic by reading business book titles.

65. Pick a headline by reading top Dugg stories.

66. Start a discussion in your blog comments.

67. Answer your readers questions in a post.

68. Challenge your fellow bloggers by writing something nearly borderline about them and close comments.

69. Share link love and expect some back.

70. Add to the list started by another blogger.

71. Be complimentary.

72. Do your market research on Amazon.com.

73. Write about stuff that most people want to read about, like Web 2.0.

74. Disprove a myth.

75. Write a post about something merely good, but not great.

76. Constantly read other blogs, leave comments, look for ideas.

77. Edit yourself without mercy.

78. Create cornerstone content.

79. Skip introductions and get to the meat of the posts – your readers do.

80. Point out something ironic or contradictory.

81. Write a series of posts.

82. Come up with a more efficient way of doing something.

83. Create a widget or plugin.

84. Make your content unmissable.

85. Be everywhere, all at once.

86. Take in other people’s ideas, learn from them constantly.

87. Tell a story through pictures.

88. Focus on unmonetized, but high-trafficked searches.

89. Combine some of your best older posts into a new series.

90. Treat every day as a new beginning, because you’ll always have new readers.

91. Be patient.

92. Post on the weekdays because more people will read it.

93. Change up your posting style every once in a while, like do reviews, etc.

94. Showcase some of your best posts on Squidoo lens.

95. Post on the weekends because there are less posts.

96. Leverage April Fool’s day with an outrageous truth.

97. Write about how things have changed in your niche.

98. Invite your readers to do guest posting for you.

99. Answer your readers questions with more questions.

100. Aggregate ideas, tips, etc from numerous places/blogs into a blog post.

101. Attend a live event and broadcast about it.

102. Write “Dear Abby” posts.

103. Don’t be boring.

104. Write a post about a scam.

105. Write about everything under the sun so that you don’t bore your readers.

106. Alternative to link exchange: get a group of bloggers together and write reviews for each other’s blogs.

107. Turn off “nofollow” to encourage comments.

108. Be very focused on one topic, in deep detail, so you become a recognized expert in it.

109. Be opinionated.

110. Answer very specific questions in deeper, more specific ways than currently exist.

111. Help people who are just starting out.

112. Don’t interrupt your posts with a lot of links.

113. Connect with your blogging peers and share ideas.

114. Create a guide for your niche.

115. Write an interesting analogy.

116. Write posts that includes tons of trackbacks to other blogs so that other blogger will notice you.

117. Make a post simplifying a complex problem.

118. Create a huge list of your best posts.

119. Give credit to those who inspired your post.

120. Respond to criticism in a post (i.e. criticism of you, your company, of the way you squint your eyes, etc).

121. Make a “[blank] for Dummies” post.

122. Tell a great story.

123. Put some thought into post formatting – increases readability.

124. Check out your competitors’ archives to see if some of their old posts can be turned into an updated version on your blog.

125. Write a post that uses the words “futile” and “desperate”.

126. Write something to inspire and motivate your readers, especially if you don’t do it on a regular basis.

127. Don’t try to be all things to all people.

128. Review your analytics to see what keywords are brining in traffic and make more posts on those.

129. Contrast two or more positions in your post.

130. Write about obscure stuff that appeals to an obsessed minority.

131. Post about what’s popular and why it’s beneficial.

132. Invite a couple of bloggers with opposing opinions for a duel on your blog.

133. Tell a joke (preferably funny one).

134. Browse thesaurus to spruce up your posts.

135. Don’t make your readers pull out a dictionary to understand your posts.

136. Make a post about frequently asked questions in your niche.

137. Make a post about questions that should be asked about your niche, but nobody thought of asking.

138. Create an exhaustive list of jargon for your niche – with definitions.

139. Make a post alleging conspiracy.

140. Don’t always focus on your own niche to find readers.

141. Write about how to use a product in an unconventional way.

142. Poll your readers on a topic and post results.

143. Don’t promote yourself or your products at the expense of the readers’ attention.

144. Write a post about a blog, which is popular, but provides poor content – explain why. You’ll open pandora’s box, but create traffic.

145. Run a contest, offer a cool (but not expensive) prize.

146. Visit your readers’ blogs and post comments.

147. Dissect an argument in a post.

148. Gather a bunch of creative commons images about your niche and make a gallery-post (with credits, of course).

149. Narrow your blog focus.

150. Write a “tag” post and have other bloggers who you tagged add to a list.

151. Make a post about what in your niche is being done wrong and how to correct it.

152. Offer an ethical bribe for commenting or subscribing.

153. Make friends with power users on Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, etc.

154. Make friends with forum and message boards addicts.

155. Make friends with influential bloggers and social media leaders.

156. Create a post that leaves your readers hanging till a later post – it’d better be good!

157. Create a list of “bite-sized” tips for your niche.

158. Write part 2 for any of your posts that are extremely popular.

159. Submit your sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools.

160. Put together a list of the most tweeted/dugg/shared posts in your niche.

161. Dress your blog (design-wise) like you would for your first date.

162. Collect inspirational quotes from other bloggers in your niche; compile them in a post.

163. Invite a well known blogger in your niche to contribute a short guest post.

164. Use a human voice.

165. Use a translation plug-in to translate your blog into other languages.

166. Ask other bloggers (preferably more influential ones) to review your blog and make a post about their findings.

167. Tell your readers to change the world and give them examples of how they can do it.

168. Turn your blog posts into articles (use EzineArticles plugin).

169. Write a press release about your blog.

170. Add a forum.

171. Interlink your blog posts.

172. Keep tweaking your template to optimize readability.

173. Write a post about a generally unknown secret in your industry/niche.

174. Be a comedian – “They’ll be standing in line for that old honky-tonk monkey shine!”

175. Ping the comments you leave on other blogs.

176. Always work on improving your blog.

177. Join a blog carnival.

178. Submit your site to Alltop.

179. Answer questions on Yahoo!Answers via a post on your blog.

180. Answer forum questions by linking to a post that has the answer.

181. Add your RSS feed to MyYahoo, IGoogle, Netscape, Bing.

182. Install OnlyWire plugin – simultaneous posting to many bookmarking sites.

183. Start reciprocal guest blogging: you guest post on their blog, they guest post on yours.

184. Ask your readers to email you links to their best resources and make a post about it.

185. Write an “attack post” by setting up an argument and them shooting it down.

186. Share the secrets that made your blog successful to enable your readers to do the same.

187. Make your blog DoFollow and submit it to DoFollow directories.

188. Twit your blog posts, blog your tweets.

189. Come up with a series of posts unique to your site.

190. Post linkbait.

191. Assign a theme to each day of the week and write about it on that day on a weekly basis.

192. Review your blog’s stats (weekly, monthly, yearly) and write about the results.

193. Do a Twitter search on a particular subject, compile them in photoshop and do a review of the trend.

194. Compile YouTube videos on a specific topic into a VLog and post it to your blog.

195. Walk your readers through a day in your life, use photos, videos, but put a fun/funny spin on it.

196. Write a post about things you can learn from “…” (insert a popular personality in your niche market).

197. Write a summary of a long report, white paper, ebook – make it an easy bullet-like format.

198. Compile a list of niche-related news over the past week, month, etc; keep adding to it over time making it into a series.

199. Create a sense of urgency in your title, make readers think they will miss out if they don’t read it.

200. Be undeniably interesting for years.

201. Write stuff people want to read and share.

202. Pray… (always a good idea)


I hope you enjoyed this wealth of information.

If after reading this, you can’t increase your blog traffic, you are in deep trouble, my friend.

Just in case you don’t know me well enough, I have to let you know that I didn’t come up with all these tips all by myself – I wish I were smart enough.

I read, I learned, I collected, I digested, I presented.

Now it’s up to you to read, learn, digest, and implement.

One more thing before you run off: do me a favor and help other people learn how to increase blog traffic: plus one, tweet, and share this post on FB.

And if you REALLY want to get on my good side, why not mention it in your upcoming post? I’d love that.

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