2017 Watched List – Part 20

By Newguy

2017 Movie Watched List

Movie Watched list are always interesting to read to see what order people watch films in, over the past two years I have started doing watched lists with two different styles to talk about the over 1000 movies I had seen. This year I decided to mix it up once more. This time I will be listing the films in 10 like before and then picking just my favourites on a couple of subject’s I am picking favourites over best because sometimes the best films are difficult re-watches which is why I like the term favorite.

Here is 191 – 200

1.   The Cottage

2.   Black Death

3.   Aftermath

4.   Faberge: A Life of its Own

5.   Asylum of the Darkness

6.   Repo! The Genetic Opera

7.   The Exorcism of Molly Hartley

8.   The Fan

9.   Life Partners

10. Outpost

Favourite Film

When Arnold Schwarzenegger goes into full serious mode we are left to see if he can pull it off, in this one he does a great job in a story that is filled with depressive motives and full blown thriller.

Worst Film
The Cottage

This is a British horror comedy that misses on the jokes and doesn’t hit enough of the horror marks.

Any other question you would like to know about the selection feel free to leave a comment and I will answer or maybe even add to future Watched Lists.
