2017 Watched List – Part 16

By Newguy

2017 Movie Watched List

Movie Watched list are always interesting to read to see what order people watch films in, over the past two years I have started doing watched lists with two different styles to talk about the over 1000 movies I had seen. This year I decided to mix it up once more. This time I will be listing the films in 10 like before and then picking just my favourites on a couple of subject’s I am picking favourites over best because sometimes the best films are difficult re-watches which is why I like the term favorite.

Here is 151 – 160

1.   The New Guy

2.   The Italian Job Remake

3.   Fast & Furious 6

4.   Life

5.   The Space Between Us

6.   The Chamber

7.   The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

8.   The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

9.   The Hitcher (1986)

10. Evolution (2015)

Favourite Film
Fast & Furious 6

I personally think this is the film in the franchise that has the best villain, I like how the film also completely goes this is completely over the top, fun and enjoyable bonkers action.

Worst Film
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

This lost all the magic the first film has and just because a human battle that sends you to sleep.

Favourite Character
Owen Shaw – Fast & Furious 6

Owen is the villain for the film and he controls an elite group soldiers that are performing heists in the fast cars around the world, he respects Dom and his team as well as being honest about how he will take their lives apart if they get in the way. He is cold calculated and the best the franchise has.

Worst Character
Prince Caspian – The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

This is a boring, generic lead character who has claim to be the next king of Narnia.

Star Performance
Rutger Hauer – The Hitcher

Rutger is great in the film looking fully terrifying through each and every scene of the movie.

Any other question you would like to know about the selection feel free to leave a comment and I will answer or maybe even add to future Watched Lists.
