2017 Watched List – Part 12

By Newguy

2017 Movie Watched List

Movie Watched list are always interesting to read to see what order people watch films in, over the past two years I have started doing watched lists with two different styles to talk about the over 1000 movies I had seen. This year I decided to mix it up once more. This time I will be listing the films in 10 like before and then picking just my favourites on a couple of subject’s I am picking favourites over best because sometimes the best films are difficult re-watches which is why I like the term favorite.

Here is 111 – 120

1.   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

2.   Four Lions

3.   Florence Foster Jenkins

4.   Logan

5.   Spooks: The Greater Good

6.   Road House

7.   The Eye (Remake)

8.   The Vanishing

9.   Let the Right One In

10. Let Me In

Favourite Film

I do like certain superhero films and with this I might easily have my favorite of the year. This is darker, gritty and rawer than anything we have seen before. This is easily one of the best ever made being original throughout telling the final battles of iconic characters.

Worst Film
Spooks: The Greater Good

This was just boring throughout and should have just stayed as a television show.

Favourite Character
Dalton – Road House

Dalton is the no nonsense bouncer who comes to clean up a bar only to find himself in the middle of battle for the town’s people. This is a true 80’s film that can be enjoyed throughout with Patrick Swayze performance.

Worst Character
Sydney – The Eye

I have picked Sydney because I feel like we needed to learn a lot more about her personal life through this film, instead of only seeing the effects of her eye transplant.

Star Performance
Hugh Jackman – Logan

Saying farewell to a character you have played for 17 years is never going to be easy, but with this performance we get to see yet another string to his skills where he plays the aging superhero.

Any other question you would like to know about the selection feel free to leave a comment and I will answer or maybe even add to future Watched Lists.
