2017 in Climate and Nuclear News

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

It remains important to keep our eyes on the ball. Long ago, we were sold on centralized power and the economies of scale. Corporate ownership weakened the benefits. We still have a chance to develope individual, distributed geothermal, wind, and solar systems. Let’s do everything we can to win this time.


Here are my predictions for 2017 . They are not all that cheerful. But I am comforted by that fact that I usually predict most unreliably. I pronounced that Hillary Clinton would win the US presidency by a landslide.

But – here goes, anyway :

CLIMATE news. The anthropocene is here with a vengeance, and will be evidenced by continued weather extremes – droughts in Africa, India and other places, floods elsewhere, the continued creeping sea level rise, affecting island nations, and low-lying ones, like Bangladesh.  Most worrying of all, the continuance of extraordinary changes in temperature in the Arctic, with effects on ocean currents.

With climate-denying politicians in power, at the national level, action on climate change will be stalled, to some degree. However, at the level of states, local councils, and cities, increased adoption of renewable energy will mean that meaningful climate action goes on with renewed vigour…

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