2017 Disability Holiday Gift Guide

By Emily @emily_ladau

Around the holiday season in 2014, I found myself wondering what I could do to give back to the disability community - a community that has given so much to me. As a fun little project, I decided to gather a list of disabled entrepreneurs selling items that I thought would make great gifts. Since then, putting together this gift guide has become an annual holiday tradition, and it's wonderful to see how the list of entrepreneurs grows each year. I'm excited to share this 4th edition of the Disability Holiday Gift Guide as a festive homage to the disability community. And for the second year in a row, I've teamed up with Kate Caldwell from the Chicagoland Entrepreneurship Education for People with Disabilities (CEED) project to create this list, which bridges entrepreneurship and disability by providing a comprehensive entrepreneurship education and training program.

Please take some time to shop around and support the hard work of disability-owned small businesses in this gift guide. I hope you find things on this list that bring you and your loved-ones lots of joy year-round. Happy holidays!

Click here for a plain text version of the 2017 gift guide.
Check out the 2014, 2015, and 2016 editions for more options.

Did you buy anything from the list? Are you a disabled entrepreneur? Leave a comment and let us know!

The Fine Print: This post isn't sponsored. Words I Wheel By and CEED assume no responsibility for any issues with sellers or orders. Please don't republish any part of this gift guide in print or online. If you would like to share the gift guide via any other publication, please write a little blurb and include the link directly back to this post. You don't have to let me know if you do this, but I'd love if you did so I can personally express my appreciation. Thank you and happy holidays!