2016 Watched List Part 39

By Newguy

2016 Watched List

I did a watched list last year and now I have decided to make a slight twist on it all, I will continue to do a list of the order I watched them all but I will also rank the 10 films from worst to best. So here is the list, what do you think and how do you rate this films.

Here is 381 – 390

1.   Class A

2.   The Evil Gene

3.   Sing Street

4.   Antibirth

5.   Silent Hill Revelation

6.   Deep Rising

7.   Interstellar

8.   Turbo Kid

9.   30 Days of Night

10.   Lego Movie

This is how I rate these films from worst to best. This also feels unfair because most of these I just watched because I enjoyed as I wanted to relax before my holiday.

10) Antibirth Body horror that misses the marks.

9) The Evil Gene Solid idea for horror but lacks that great moment.

8) Class A Raw drug fueled story.

7) Silent Hill Revelation Guilty pleasure of mine.

6) Deep Rising Underrated 90s monster movie.

5) The Lego Movie Animated film that ticks all the boxes.

4) 30 Days of Night One of the best vampire movies of recent year.

3) Turbo Kid Gem of a film that is so over the top it works on so many levels.

2) Sing Street One of the films of the year.

1) Interstellar One of my favorite films of recent years, even better on follow up viewing.