2016 Watched List Part 33

By Newguy

2016 Watched List

I did a watched list last year and now I have decided to make a slight twist on it all, I will continue to do a list of the order I watched them all but I will also rank the 10 films from worst to best. So here is the list, what do you think and how do you rate this films.

Here is 321 -330

1.   The Fly

2.   The Nice Guys

3.   Daylight

4.   Feed the Devil

5.   True Story

6.   Shallow Grave

7.   Observance

8.   Halloween 4 The Return of Michael Myers

9.   Halloween 5

10.   Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers

This is how I rate these films from worst to best.

10) Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Terrible chapter in the franchise.

9) Halloween 5 Disappointing in the series that lacks the tension.

8) Feed the Devil Horror that lacks real direction.

7) True Story Slow moving thriller that lacks that moment.

6) Halloween 4 The Return of Michael Myers Solid sequel but in the end isn’t true to the original.

5) Daylight Typical 90s disaster movie.

4) Shallow Grave Thriller that shows just how capable Danny Boyle was.

3) Observance Horror mystery really keeps us wondering what is going on.

2) The Nice Guys Great odd couple comedy that shows Crowe can nail comedy.

1) The Fly The true classic out there in the horror genre.