2015 Watched List Part 42

By Newguy

Over the past year I have seen an incredible amount of films and I have decided to share with you all which ones I have seen in what order. I am going to be doing these in groups of ten, where I will pick my favorite of the bunch and the worst of the bunch.

So without further ramblings here we go with 421 – 430:

1.   Enemy  While this film does come off complicated once you realize what is going on it really is one shocking film to enjoy.

2.   The Green Inferno  The cannibal film that breathes fresh life into the sub-genre.

3.   Deep Dark  This horror is very unique which is a plus but I do think it goes too far into the weird.

4.   Red Dawn  When a small town in America come under attack a group of high school kids lead the rebellion against enemy.

5.   Jurassic WorldThe reboot of the franchise which does work well but something doesn’t quite work for me about but I can’t put my finger on it

6.   Network  Oscar winning movie that does come off very ranty throughout the film.

7.   Parenthood Steve Martin ‘comedy’ sorry I just don’t like Steve Martin but certain side stories really do come off funny with Keanu Reeves stealing the film.

8.   Shaun of the Dead  The zombie horror comedy that I don’t enjoy as much as other people out there.

9.   Hot Fuzz The action comedy following a top cop sent to a small town where a killer is on the loose, this is slightly too long because the final action scene is fun.

10.  The World’s End Sci-fi part of the trilogy that all works well because the comedy is toned down and we get to focus on a serious storyline about how things change for people in life.

The Best – Enemy

The Worst – Deep Dark