2015 Watched List Part 29

By Newguy

Over the past year I have seen an incredible amount of films and I have decided to share with you all which ones I have seen in what order. I am going to be doing these in groups of ten, where I will pick my favorite of the bunch and the worst of the bunch.

So without further ramblings here we go with 291 – 300:

  1. A Dozen Summers This charming film that follows twin girls who end up hijacking a film to make their own ideas become true through film. This was a real gem that should be checked out by all.
  2. The Dead 2 The second chapter in the zombie stories in location outside the normal we follow one man travel across India to find his true love during a zombie outbreak. I do enjoy these because they don’t go to heavy in with the zombie action.
  3. The Frighteners This Peter Jackson horror comedy follows a paranormal investigator who has to find a way to stop a ghost that is going on a killing rampage from beyond the grave.
  4. The Juror – We follow a single mother juror who gets befriended by a hit man who becomes obsessed with her when she has to find a way of exposing the truth.
  5. Hellboy This graphic novel brings us a new hero that the world isn’t ready for as he helps fight to save the world from an old enemy.
  6. Hellboy 2 The Golden Army The sequel that brings us into an even bigger fantasy world that really improves the films a lot.
  7. The Devil’s Backbone One of my favorite films of the year that follows the children of an orphanage who get haunted by a ghost warning them of a future danger during war time. Just beautiful film.
  8. Insurgent  Nope, just nope.
  9. Blood Moon A low budget werewolf horror that follows clichés but still works well.
  10. Mystic River The brilliant drama follow the investigation into who killed one of three former childhood friend’s daughter. This is gripping thriller that has Oscars to its name.

The Best – The Devil’s Backbone

The Worst – Insurgent