2015 Update: New PO Box, Toy Fair 2015 and Thanks!

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

With 2014 flying by and 2015 on the horizon, I thought it would be a fine time to thank each and every one of you for all you’ve done for me this past year!

Thank you for commenting, liking, subscribing, messaging, e-mailing, etc! This blog, YouTube channel and Facebook page would be nothing without you guys! So, thank you, thank you, thank you! (And thank you for dealing with my silly typo’s.  I swear, I read these posts a thousand times before publishing, but I am the worst–or best?– auto-corrector of my own writing!!!)

Confessions of a Doll Collectors Daughter has grown so much this past year.  And next year, I want it to grow even more!  I’m going to start off the year by attending the New York Toy Fair in February!  Attending will allow me to (hopefully) fill you guys in on what might be hitting toy shelves in 2015 and allow me to cross off a bucket list item! If there are any companies you’d like me to try to visit, please let me know in the comments!

More fun news– I am renting a PO Box for the next six months.  If you’re a reader who is more comfortable contacting me via snail mail,  feel free to use it!  (I love postcards and Christmas cards!) I will most likely do a ‘mail room’ video to say thanks and I will most definitely send you back a quick note!

Just address your snail mail to:

Confessions o/a Doll Collectors Daughter
PO Box 164
Crystal Lake, IL 60039-0164

You can always find this information in the ‘About Me’ page, linked on the sidebar or on my other social media sites.

So, again, thank you for reading, writing and visiting Confessions of a Doll Collectors Daughter!  I appreciate it so much!  And stay tuned for a busy December and a great 2015!

December 1, 2014. Tags: holiday. Category: Articles and Doll Histories, Category: Uncategorized.