2015 Marketing Plan Task Number Two

By Waxgirl333 @waxgirl333

Okay, on to task number two. Here we’ll define your END GOAL. This is the goal your plan will move toward. Please don’t spend more than 15 minutes on this one.

Option 1.  If you know of one primary thing in your business that always drives the most sales, make that your end goal. This driver should be such a big factor that nothing else comes close.  For example, if you own a retail location, and you know that getting more customers in the store equals more sales, then “MORE CUSTOMERS” should be your answer to this task. If you sell online, your end goal might be “MORE SITE TRAFFIC.”

For Option 1, you better be pretty damn sure you know the number one driver of sales for your business. If you’re at all unsure, or you’re clueless and think it’s a bunch of stuff (like me) do this instead:

Option 2. More sales.

That’s it. No need to define your customers yet, or think about how you’re going to generate more traffic, or whatever else might be your number one driver of sales. We get to that further along in the 2015 Marketing Plan.

Great job!