2015 Marketing Plan Task Nineteen

By Waxgirl333 @waxgirl333

Okay, in this task you PULL IT ALL TOGETHER!

If you’re like me, you probably have a bunch of Word docs scattered – or one that looks like a mess. Or you printed it out and it’s covered in handwritten notes.

Or maybe you’re bloody perfect and it’s all written out neatly already. If that is the case, the rest of us hate you and you’re done for today.

If not, it’s time to get your document together. This might take you today and tomorrow, so don’t sweat it. Tomorrow’s task is REALLY easy.

Here is the outline with the information you should have by now:

1. End Goal – This is the sentence where you write in quantifiable terms what you’ll achieve in 2015. For most of you, this will be a sales figure.

2. Measurement – How will you measure this, and how often? Again, a sentence or two will suffice. 

3. Best Customer – Describe your best and next-best customer in a few sentences. Pull out the questionnaire we did and summarize. 

4. Messaging Channels – This is the list of channels that worked last year (that reached your best customer) plus the new ones you brainstormed. Remember, you did this already. 

5. Strategies – Okay stud, plop in those strategies from week 3.

6. Tactics – You just finished these, so I shouldn’t need to give you a reminder.

Now you have a marketing plan in front of you. Just leave it alone until tomorrow.