2015: A Year In Pop Culture

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

There were break-ups and make-ups, annoying (sometimes) new words, songs that made us happy and cringe, photos that broke the internet and of course, there was Adele. Take a stroll down 2015 with me, won't you?

  • trend was dwindling towards the end of 2014 but we held onto those White Sneakers and I, for one, really did not mind because it IS the perfect marriage of comfort AND style. It looks great with dresses and denims and looks effortless. Let's carry this trend on to 2016 as well please and by 2016, I mean, forever.

  • Personally, 2015 was the year of Minimalism and it looked like everyone was going that route and hence started the whole trend of designer Mini Bags. Everyone from Fendi to Celine have been making these baby bags for their big bag versions. How cute is that? I have always been a carry-my-whole-world-in-my-bag kinda person, but these are actually a welcome change to save my shoulders and back.

  • Move over Kale, 2015 was the year of Bone Broth. Just boil the bones and drink it up and if that isn't appetizing enough, remember, all the cool kids are drinking it.

  • When Apple announced its plan to deny royalties to musicians during users' three-month trial period, Taylor Swift used her influence and her power to speak out against Apple. More power to you Taylor, and I forgive you for the over-use of the word "squad".

  • Everyone loved Drake's Hotline Bling, and the internet lost it when they saw the video. Drake's awkward moves were enough for all the meme-makers to come up with the funniest. Check them out . And to add to that, Hotline Bling has officially made it to the Urban Dictionary . So, congrats Drake?

Things that broke the internet

I don't know what breaking the internet means technically but in my head it's a server named "Internet" breaking down ;p Just me?

    February '15 saw the most famous selfie at the Oscars . Who can forget the most retweeted selfie taken by Bradley Cooper and the infamous line " If only Bradley's arm was longer".

Weddings, New Couples and Break-Ups

  • Cameron Diaz, the original cool girl, found the love of her life in Benji Madden, brother-in-law of Nicole Ritchie and tied the knot in January 2015. She sure had a great start to her year.

  • October and December had not one but two weddings. One was of course the most-anticipated wedding of Jennifer Aniston , my favorite and America's Sweetheart, and Justin Theroux. She deserves all the happiness and more. And December saw the gorgeous wedding of Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello. And how gorgeous is her wedding dress . Congrats to the newlyweds!

Biggest Shockers & Disappointments

Let's keep the best for the last or in this case, the worst for the last.

  • The biggest news of the year was Bill Cosby and the never-ending allegations of assault and rape by several women. Even though it started in 2014, it's still in the news because of the number of women who are coming out and speaking up about the trauma they have endured. And what was truly remarkable was the cover of July's issue of New York magazine that had these 35 women, each sitting in a chair, their faces looking straight at the camera and the caption read " We are not afraid anymore".

  • For the first time ever, Oxford Dictionary picked an emoji as the Word Of The Year . Yup, you heard it right. If that is not a new low, then I don't know what is. the explanation Oxford Dictionary gave to justify their pick.

That was the round-up of this year. Now, drop some knowledge at your next holiday party!