Photo by Caroline.
As the year draws to a close, I'm taking the time to review the Top 10 posts for 2014.I've done this for previous years, as well:
2013 Top Ten Posts
2012 Top Ten Posts
I wrote over 100 posts in 2014. I've listed the top 10 most viewed posts written this calendar year in descending order, with the most popular post at the top.
1. Films about Aging, Part II, M-Z
2. Aging Films to Watch Next
3. Books about Dementia
4. Aging: Fight, Resign or Embrace?
5. A Berry-liscious Lighter Dessert. Recipe & Pics
6. When Does Midlife Start and End?
7. Best Advice: Joseph Campbell's "Follow Your Bliss"
9. APA's Guidelines for Working with Older Adults
10. Rate of Total Knee Replacements in the US
Generational Perspective: Why This Blog?