2014 Midterm Election Results – Open Thread

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Republicans need 51 seats for a majority in the Senate.

Current count:

Republican 41 (+2) vs. Democrat 36 (-2)

1. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) wins reelection in Kentucky.

2. Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (R) captures the West Virginia seat of retiring Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller — first of 6 new seats if Republicans are to control the Senate.

3. Tim Scott (R) wins Special Senate race in South Carolina, the first black to win statewide in SC since the Reconstruction.

4. Lindsay Graham (R) wins reelection to the Senate in South Carolina.

5. Lamar Alexander (R) wins reelection to Senate in Tennessee.

6. Inhofe (R) and Lankford (R) take Oklahoma senate seats.

7. Rep. Tom Cotton (R) wins the Senate in Arkansas.

8. Jeff Sessions (R), uncontested, takes the Senate in Alabama.

I’ll update this post as more results come in.

Please report on your state’s races by posting it as a comment below!
