2014 Holiday Moving Announcement Cards

By Francoisetmoi

This year, we thought we’d be extra efficient (or lazy!) and send out our (loooong overdue) moving announcement as our Holiday card. I loved the idea of a little red Fiat with an oversized tree strapped to the top of it, as it reminded me of the cute, little ride we saw outside MERCI in Paris this spring. I looked high and low, but couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I decided to source the images and design one myself!

I compiled the graphics and text in Adobe Illustrator (Powerpoint would work too!) and then had them printed at my local printer. Sadly, I had to blur out our street address which kind of ruins the look of the card, but you see, it’s the internet, and so privacy measures are a must!

Here were my sources for the cards:

MERCI Paris Photo via Dallas Shaw.