2014 Grand Plan – To Launch a Free Downloadable Digital Magazine

By Kaye

Free Digital Magazine to be Launched

Assalamualaikum. Hi everyone!

Free Digital Downloadable Magazine? Are you serious? Well, yes!

I’ve been reading quite a lot lately both online and offline and as a matter of fact, I still have few books in the queue right now. Work has been demanding a lot lately and influx of patients are expected to rise this winter so everyone please stay safe and may this winter bring us joy and good health.

I must say, reading is indeed a good hobby and I know many of you would agree with me. For the past eight months that I’ve updated this blog, I had the privilege to meet nice and sweet people from different parts of the globe. I know it is far from being called friendship but it’s still friendship nonetheless, I mean the connection bloggers and readers bridged these days.

It is through meeting wonderful people and reading beneficial articles that convinced me to bring blogging into a different height. As the title of this post suggests, I’m planning to launch a free digital downloadable magazine in the first quarter of 2014. It has always been my dream to come up with a magazine but my time won’t allow me because coming up with one isn’t a joke. You need to invest time, efforts, passion, dedication and an overload of hard work. This time, with the help,of some good friends, in shaa Allah this idea can be push through.

We’re planning a quarterly digital publication of the magazine but depending on the success and number of sponsors and contributors we can gather, we might upgrade it into monthly publication. Image shown above is not the actual cover but rather used for blogging purposes only.

How does a free downloadable digital magazine works?

I’m sure many of us if not all know what a digital magazine is. It is also called e-mag. Some digital magazines need subscription and you have to pay certain amount to get access while some can be downloaded from of charge. The latter is what I have in mind.

So, what is a digital magazine?

It’s like any other magazine but instead of reading it in glossy pages, you’ll get yours by downloading it from the web. What you found in a paper magazine can be found in digital magazine as well. It has editorials, article columns like fashion, home, food, skincare, lifestyle, gadgets, media news, advertisements and many more. With the advancement in today’s technology, reading magazines through smartphones and tablets brought you to another level.

Anyone who want to take part in this endeavor are welcome. If writing is your passion, you can submit your articles and let your name flaunt the pages and your posts be read around the globe. This could be a big break for bloggers to be spotted and who knows, there will be more opportunities coming your way after taking part on this humble project.

Business owners are welcome to advertise their crafts, products and services as long as it is halal which means it doesn’t go against the teachings of Islam. PR companies who want to send product samples for review are welcome too. Since it would be a free downloadable magazine, everyone will get free access to the mag which means there is higher chance for your business to be known. Sponsors of any kind are welcome to collaborate with us. I am a Philippines-based blogger but had already gained global audience so business from outside the Philippines are welcome to work with us.

If you are interested to be an article contributors, advertisers and sponsors you can contact me here and we’ll discuss the details.

What’s in store for 2014?

Three days away and we’ll be saying goodbye to 2013. Though I and my family don’t celebrate this holiday, I know many out there are prepping up to welcome 2014 with a bang. Maybe, many had already written down their New Year’s resolution which I used to do as a young kid but not anymore. Planning for better things for our life need more than a piece of paper and need not to be done routinely at the end of each year and only to be forgotten. However, if writing down a new year’s resolution helps you sort things out and keep you organize and focus with your goals, then maybe you’re doing the right thing!

If we want something, we should work it out and ask the guidance of the best Planner, the one who controls our fate and future, the Almighty. Allah alone can give us sustenance and brings us both easy and hard life. If we want to achieve something and we didn’t, know that Allah has better plans for us and be thankful for we don’t what we want could possibly hurt us and He knows best. May Allah make everything easy for us.

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That’s it guys! If you know anyone interested to be a part of this project, contributors, sponsors or advertisers, please feel free to share this post. We hope to bring you the free downloadable digital magazine soon.