2014 Goals + Free Wallpaper

By Sassysweetstyle @ChaniaB

Happy 2014 everyone!

2013 was full of so many blessings for our family that 2014 definitely has big shoes to fill!

I’m not much of a resolution person because I tend to not stick with them for very long, so I wanted to make a list of goals to attempt to be a better Woman, Wife & Mother, because we could all use a little work!

1.  Shop Only for Necessities

Since I was a glutenous piggie & I shopped SO much for myself in 2013 & had zero willpower,  I am cutting myself off from shopping trips & online ordering for the year.  I know, 1st. world problems. I couldn’t help it! There was just too much fabulous EVERYWHERE!  I really want to challenge myself & see how much I can save.  Wish me luck because this will be quite the challenge.

2.  Have More Patience

This will be a lifelong struggle for me.  Even though Motherhood has given me way more patience than I had before, my Princess LOVES to test the limits of it & staying cool,calm, & collected is definitely a struggle.  I certainly don’t want to be remembered as the Mom who yelled at her all of the time.

3.  Cook More

I always strive to do this but it just never happens.  I hate cooking, but it’s a part of life, so I really need to focus on doing this more even if it is extremely basic & boring.

4.  Drink More Water

I used to always drink a TON of water.  In the last year, my thyroid medication pretty much keeps me from being thirsty for some reason & add that to chasing around a super busy 3 year old, & I just forget to drink.  Water is so important for clear skin, feeling balanced, & just overall health so I really need to be mindful of this from now on.  I know I certainly feel better when I get my full daily requirements of H2O.

5.  Go with the Flow

This is probably going to be the most challenging of all.  My husband & I are type A people, but becoming a Mom has forced me to relax a little bit.  I’m slowly learning to not beat myself up so much for not getting everything done all of the time.  It’s not healthy to stress out over the small stuff when I am so blessed to be at home with my daughter all day every day.  Definitely making this my motto this year.

With that said, I had a burst of creativity yesterday & decided to make an iPad & iPhone wallpaper to remind me of that goal.

{Chevron design courtesy of cesstrelle}

iPad //iPad Mini //iPhone

They may not be perfect because I don’t know what the heck I’m doing, but I had fun.

What are your goals for 2014?