2014 Election Fraud Has Already Begun in Chicago

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

And we call India a third world country?

Shame on America’s Demonrats!

But then how else can the Demonrats carry out vote fraud?

Speaking of vote fraud, the Great 2014 Vote Fraud has already begun.

In Illinois, early voting began on Monday, Oct. 19, 2014. So Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan went to vote at Chicago’s Schaumburg Public Library using a touch-screen voting machine. Every time he tried to vote for a Republican, including for himself, the machine registered his vote as for a Democrat. (Read more here.)

In the great DisUnited Corrupt States of Amerika, you’ll vote Democrat, even if you’re not.

And what will the Republican Party do about this?

Nothing! (See “Why the GOP won’t challenge vote fraud“)

H/t Rebel Mouse
