2014 Color Trends for the Home - Lush Purple, Blues and Oranges....
By Decorology
The word is out! (Okay- it's been out) 2014's color is Radiant Orchid. You can go all out with it, or use it as an accent color. If you are a lover of bright and bold colors, I've provided some inspiration for creating color palettes with Radiant Orchid...
If your not sure how to use these colors for your home, let me show you some great options:
High Fashion Home
High Fashion Home
It makes a gorgeous accent color
via aparaledabode
Go bold...
via Found Market
Porter House Designs
Porter House Designs
So what other colors look good with Radiant Orchid for those of you who love your bold brights? Cayenne or another similar orange looks good with purple and really makes a statement.
via House Beautiful
via Live Like You
Cobalt and Radiant Orchid creates a really lush look...
via Edison Avenue
via ZuneTop