2013 Year of the Watersnake, Welcomed by the New Moon.

By Angellightheart @engelencoaching

This week I received a beautiful mail from my dear friend Nicky Jevon about the Chinese Year ahead. With her permission I like to share her great wisdom about the Year of the Water Snake:

10th February is time to welcome Water Snake/Water Serpent
who will be the guiding energetic influence over 2013.
Not for 60 years has Water Snake graced us with her presence.
This is auspicious and the year will be deeply significant for very
many people. Snake represents life’s mysteries, intuition and inner
growth, creativity and enhanced spirituality. Her inquisitive mind
will bring an understanding that not everything is definable nor
tangible. Dreams will provide many insights and answers,
daydreams too!

Snake is sensual and is guided by her feelings, and counsels us to
act according to our own feelings and inklings. She is intelligent
and wise, philosophical, imaginative and enigmatic. Because there
are things going on that will not always be clear, Snake asks us to
use our skills wisely. Spotting talents in others, mentoring and
mediation will be strongly needed this year. Bonds of friendship
will grow. Equally we need to be prepared to shed things when the
time comes, maybe moving into a new life or new realms. Snake
is, after all, a symbol of healing, rebirth and regeneration.

We are advised to not overwork or overdo things, as more time
will be needed for rest and recuperation this year. 2013 heralds
change. Many will call for independence and autonomy. Create
comfortable space for yourself. If whatever it is feels right in your
waters, then go with the flow.
May you glide gracefully through your year.
x Nicky x”

I have found the first month of 2013 quite intense and cannot wait to work with the energy of the Water Snake. It will certainly help me in my creative and intuitive work with the angels through my sculptures and readings!

Each year the start of the Chinese New Year comes together with the New Moon. What a great way to start the new year ahead as the new moon is all about setting new intentions, starting new projects and the like. A great time to meditate on these themes. This is the case for each new moon, but extra strong for todays full moon!

I wish all my blog readers a year filled with creative flow, wisdom, enhanced spirituality and friendship!

Bright blessings
