2013 Top Ten Posts

By Thegenaboveme @TheGenAboveMe

Photo by LEOL30.

As 2013 comes to a close, I'm looking over the statistics to see which posts written this year got the most views.
As with 2012, posts about films dominate the list.
However, a new genre of posts make an even stronger showing: blog hop posts.
I joined some network groups in 2013 that gave me the opportunity to connect with other midlife blogging women.  I enjoyed reading their posts, so I am sharing my findings.
Just click through to the posts marked "blog hop" to find links to my peers' posts.
So without further ado, here are the standout posts published in 2013--in descending order of popularity:
  1. Movies Depicting Alzheimer's Disease
  2. Movies about Love & Sex for People 50 Plus
  3. Movies Set in Nursing Homes
  4. Guest Post Archives
  5. Travel Made Me Feel My Youth (blog hop)
  6. Life Span vs Life Expectancy
  7. Aging Disgracefully (blog hop)
  8. Movies about Mature Men Preserving Power
  9. Raven Lunatic (blog hop)
  10. Centenarians on the Rise
Thank you for spending all or part of 2013 with me here at The Generation Above Me.  My best to you for a peaceful and prosperous 2014. 
Happy 1st Blogoversar to TGAM Generational Perspective: Why This Blog?