2013 Sowing Dates

By Scarecrow

I have bought a new Thomas Zimmer Chart so I sat down and drew up some possible dates for sowing seeds in 2013...as I've already started on this I thought I'd post this and update the Sowing Date Page too.
This is a planting schedule for a garden in South Australia where frequent winter frosts occur.
These dates are for my garden in my climate...they may not be right for your garden please use a planting guide like this or this or go by the seed packet information!
Some of these are trial dates for experimental plantings!
Dates may change with seasonal (or unseasonal) conditions and other seeds may be added later as often happens.
Notes from 2012:
More frequent, smaller sowings of Lettuce, Spinach and other annual greens
In the Almond Area Trial Potato cages with tyres around for warmth for early start (July) see if 30 liter water containers fit inside tyres. Plastic over top for winter. Get spudz early as possible
Work at reducing earwig numbers by:-
-allowing chooks to clean the beds where carrots are going
-clearing pathways between beds
-using hose lengths (30cm) to catch earwigs - empty each morning - feed to chooks
-tins filled with water/oil mix if not able to empty other traps each day
Net fruit trees early in season
Dec 2012: 

Broccoli Romanesco
Brussels Sprouts Ruby

Cabbage Red Express
Sow into punnets 18/19 Dec under shade/netting to protect from cabbage moth/snails/birds
Plant out late Zucchini and Cucumber seedlings
Jan 2013:
Cauliflower Mini

Cauliflower Violet Sicilian
Sow into punnets under shade/netting  15/16th Jan
Feb 2013:
Sow direct if possible (NOT during heatwave conditions) on 11th or 16/17th Feb
Plant out early Greens seedlings if weather is cool enough
Mar 2013:
Lettuce/Spinach 16/17th March
Peas Sow in loo rolls (under shade) for planting out soon after germination on 21st/22nd March
Garlic  Plant cloves 1st-3rd Mar
Early Onions Sow in punnets on 1st-3rd Mar
Plant out Greens seedlings
Apr 2013:
Onions Sow in punnets on 27th or 30th Apr
May 2013:
Ensure all beds that require it have already been planted with Green Manure seeds.
Jun 2013:
Broad Beans
Sow in loo rolls in hothouse on 18th/21st Jun
Jul 2013:
Capsicum - Sow into punnets in the heated propagation tray on 21st/22nd July
Leeks - Sow into punnets in the heated propagation tray on 15th July
Peas - Sow in loo rolls in hothouse on 17/18th and/or 21st/22nd31st July
Brown Onion seedlings plant out 25th to 28th July
Aug 2013:
Tomatoes Sow into punnets in the heated propagation tray on 18th/19th  Aug
Lettuce, Basil and other  annual herbs
Sow into punnets in the heated propagation tray on 11th to 14th Aug
Carrots & Parsnips Sow direct into ground on 22nd Aug
Potato Tubers plant in ground/tubs on 22nd Aug (protect from frost)
Sow in the hothouse. A small number of seeds of each into containers that will allow minimal disturbance of roots at planting time 18th/19th Aug
Beans start under cover in Loo Rolls 18th/19th  Aug
Sept 2013:
Lettuce Sow in punnets 7th to 11th Sept
Melons Rock and Watermelon
Sow in the hothouse. A small number of seeds of each into containers that will allow minimal disturbance of roots at planting out time  14th /15th Sept. These will act as "back-up" to early plantings
Carrot/Parsnip "top up as" needed 22nd to 25th Sept

Potato Tubers plant in ground/tubs on 22nd to 25th Sept

Oct 2013:
Begin planting out summer veg in ground (be prepared to protect from frost)
Beans sow direct in ground/transplanted 15/16th Oct
Carrot/Parsnip top up as needed 20th/21st and/or 25th/26th Oct
Lettuce/Greens Sow in punnets 7th/8th and/or 11th/13th Oct
Nov 2013:
Sweet Potato
Plant 4/5th as shoots become available
Plant out Watermelons
Sow late Zucchini and Cucumber seeds16/17th Nov
Beans sow direct in ground 12/13th and/or 16/17th Nov
Carrot/Parsnip top up as needed 20th/21st Nov
Lettuce/Greens Sow in punnets 4th and/or 7/8th Nov
Dec 2013:
Lettuce/Greens Sow in punnets 5/6th Dec
Early Brassicas for Autumn 2014
Sow in punnets 5/6th Dec
Beans direct in ground 13th to 15th Dec

You can purchase the 2013 Thomas Zimmer Astrological Calendar and Moon Planting Guide HERE or HERE.