2013 Resolutions

Posted on the 11 January 2013 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

I recently recapped my resolutions from 2012.  While it wasn’t a complete failure it wasn’t a complete success either, which means there is room for improvement.  Here is to 2013, hopefully this year I live a more sustainable lifestyle.

1. Keep reducing water usage. I personally believe this could be a resolution each year since water supply is going to to be a perpetual issue.

2. Be better about buying used or local products.  I hope to accomplish this by using Craigslist, Goodwill and local stores (i.e., not Target, Walmart or other big boxed corporate stores) as my main places to shop when I am needing/wanting an item.
3. Stay away from these companies that were anti-prop 37.  I am really sad to read that these companies put money towards prop 37 failing, since I used to buy their products regularly.  If this proposition would have passed GMO foods would be required to be labeled in California.  This would have been huge step in the right direction for the food industry, but unfortunately it did not pass.

4. Reduce consumption and waste.  This again is a resolution that I feel I can improve upon each year.  I am going to focus on this by buying less packaged items.  This mainly goes for food products, my main purchases throughout the month, but will also be considered when buying other items.

5. Live a minimalist lifestyle as best as I can.  I have touched on this subject in a few posts, but I really feel I would be better off with a minimalist lifestyle.  I don’t think it will be easy because consumerism is constantly pushed in your face in our society, but I feel it is a necessary step for me.

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