2013 Meme Time!

Posted on the 28 June 2013 by Steve Bichard @SteveBichard
Bloggers are always coming up with new ideas to promote each others blog's and the latest is Meme time.
I have been tagged by Millymollymandy or Mandy for short, over at Chateau Moorhen. If you want to see a stunning garden and property  in France, then pop over to Chateau Moorhen you will not be disappointed.  
 The rules of meme are really simple:
- Post five random facts about yourself.
- Choose five deserving blogs with less than 200 followers to nominate and link into your post.
- Tell your nominees that they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.
- Answer the five questions the tagger has asked.
- Ask five questions of your chosen nominees.
- Now tag-backs.

OK lets start with five random facts;
1. I have worked in Switzerland, Holland, Portugal, UK, France and of course Guernsey where I was born.
2. I ran a marathon in Zimbabwe to help save the Rhino's for my 40th birthday. 
3. I was top salesman for Suzuki and won weeks holiday on Richard Bransons Necker Island.
4. I left school at 14 as I was 15 in the summer holidays, yes it shows in my spelling! 
5.My favorite meal is a surf and turf, oysters for starters of course.
The five questions from Mandy
1. When did you first get interested in gardening? (or for Kim, bugs)
At school, but being born on Guernsey, my first part-time job was working in the greenhouses growing tomatoes. 

2. If money was no object and you could travel to any ONE place in the world, where would you go, and why? 
The Maldivesas I have promised to take my better half their one day.
3. Do you have any plans for 2013 that involve something that you didn't do in 2012?
Grow some Litchi tomatoes in the poly-tunnel, I have the seeds ready.

4. What is your favorite comfort food?
It's not food, it's red wine.

5. Which book are you reading at the moment?

The primrose door by Lorna Cooke. She was the first person to review by novel Vantastic France and we became friends. With a little persuasion I got her to finish and publish a novel that she had started years ago.
My five blog's are 
1.Permaculture in Brittany If you want to learn about permaculture then this is the blog to visit.2. Dusty River Gardens - Take trip to the states to see how they do it.3.Piglet in Portugal - As I lived there I love to hear Piglets wonderful  tales of life in Portugal. 4. Living life in Saint-Aignan - I follow this blog via my French Classified blog, always some interesting posts from down in the Loire valley5.A gardener in France - An English garden designer in the Loire Valley, some great tips on garden design from the experts.Even if they do not have the time to join in the fun, please browse thought their interesting blogs.
The questions to them are;
1. Can you recommend a great bottle of wine.
2. What is the scariest thing that you have ever done.
3. Who is your hero.
4.Why do you live where you do.
5. If you could create a new fruit or vegetable, what would it look like and how would it taste.

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