2013 In Review

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

Hello again, guys! Remember me?

This has been the longest break I’ve taken from blogging since I started this blog three-and-a-half years ago, but it was well worth it. I had some great vacation time with my family over the holidays.

Today, I thought I’d simply share with you the recap post that WordPress sends out to bloggers at the end of each year. A lot of cool stuff in here, especially if you’re into numbers.

If not, move along. I’ll be back with my regular bookish features tomorrow. But, if this stuff interests you, then take a look:

My favorite highlights include that 101 Books was viewed in 196 countries in 2013, including 3 page views in Madagascar. Shout out to Madagascar!

Also, a special thanks to the top 5 commenters from 2013: 1) Jilanne Hoffman 2) Katie Cross 3) Don Royster 4) Heather 5) Teresa. Thanks to all you guys.

If you like numbers, feel free to read the full report.