2013 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge...

By Girllostinabook
So I've decided that I will participate in a reading challenge next year and as I read a lot of historical fiction, it makes sense to participate in this one hosted by Historical Tapestry. This challenge runs January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2012 and I think I'm going to enter in at the Ancient History level (which is 25+ books) because seriously I read a lot of historical fiction.
Please bear with me as I am new to blogging and these reading challenges and this will be my first one, so I am still learning how these things work. I guess I read a book that qualifies and then I blog the review (like normal) and keep a list? If someone could clarify if that's indeed what I am supposed to do, it would be greatly appreciated.
I am kind of excited about this as I love historical fiction and I am curious to see what other bloggers will be reading in one of my favorite genres. I am sure that my TBR list will get miles longer than it already is, but isn't that the point?
You can track my progress by clicking here or by clicking on the tab labeled 'Reading Challenges' on the left side of this blog.