The Round River Rendezvous is the annual gathering of the Earth First! Movement. Each Summer, this week-long camp-out attracts several hundred Earth First!ers from around the world. The gathering is coordinated by a volunteer committee and includes workshops, campaign discussions, campfire music and a rally with performers and speakers. Perhaps the most important part of the Round River Rendezvous is the informal networking that goes on. These gatherings are particularly important for developing a cohesive activist network and planning actions on a local level.
We are thrilled to announce that Croatan Earth First! will be hosting next summer’s rendezvous in central North Carolina. The exact location to be announced close to the week of the event. The spot we are choosing should have swimming holes and beautiful woods to hike in. As for new content, we’ll be offering more earth skills, plant/mushroom identification, and ecospirituality workshops to the this year’s gathering as well as medic trainings. We’re looking for folks to host workshops, and to submit ideas for workshops/panels they’d like to see.
If you have access to money please consider donating to our wepay. If you need to contact us regarding the rendezvous, email or
Please see this site for more information including tentative schedule, anti-oppression statement and guidelines:
Help us promote in your town, downloadable posters here
Planned Trainings & Workhops Include:
Earth Skills track planned every day which may include wild & edible plants and medicines, foraging, firemaking, permaculture & gardening, homesteading, mushroom cultivation and foraging, tree identification.
Street Medic Training (please rsvp to 20 hrs
Tree Climbing all day every day, building tree structures, & monopods
Ecospirituality Workshops & The Work That Reconnects, Creating Resilient Communities Despite Trauma
Panels on Biocentrism, Animal Rights & EF!, Nuclear Issues in the Southeast, Uniting Anti-Extraction Movements
Updates from Tar Sands Blockade and Buffalo Field Campaign
Earth First! Mechanics Guild teaches you how to fix your car and how to use cars in other ways as well as dismantling them in case of the Zombie Apocalypse
Music, dancing, poetry and performances encouraged and planned
Security Culture Workshops & Internet Security Discussions
Direct Action & Blockades Trainings (of course!)
Media Laiason & Police Laiason Trainings
Anti-Oppression Trainings and how to integrate it into your work locally
Discussions on decolonizing our movements
Radical Mental Health
What is Earth First!? for welcomed newcomers
Mixed Martial Arts Self Defense
Mock Arrests and Extraction Exercises
Debunking The Technofix
Supporting Ecoprisoners
Fun, friends, and winning …hope to see you there!