2013 Earth First! Film Fest in the Works

Posted on the 18 October 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

miffy-imagesMark your calendars: Nov 29 – Dec 30, 2013

Location: Friends’ Quaker Meeting House, 823 North A Street, Lake Worth, FL

Last year, the Earth First! Journal hosted its first EF! Film Fest in Lake Worth as a fund raiser. It was a great success. We’re looking forward to another opportunity to share empowering films, as well as provide a chance for people to meet, socialize, donate, network and get involved with the local Earth First! organizing happening in South Florida’s Everglades bioregion. Help us spread the word via “social” media.

Over the next two weeks, we will be finalizing the list of films we plan to show. Please send us any film submissions or suggestions—feature length or short films. Links can be sent via email: collective [at] earthfirstjournal.org, or via real mail: EF! Journal, POB 964, Lake Worth, FL 33460.

EF merch tableFor those who celebrate and gift-giving holidays, the EF! Film Fest will also be a chance to get trinkets and merch including: stickers, buttons, music, posters, books, zines and more… All aimed at helping us meet our ambitious “Back to the Presses” fund raising goal. 

This year we are also coordinating with other EF! groups around the US and abroad to set up mini-Film Fest events in their communities. If you are interested in participating, get in touch. We can help you get access to films, promotional materials and EF! merch for tabling.

wto-welcomingOn a last note, you may recall that this time of year is a global justice holiday. It has been 14 years since to epic battle of Seattle during the WTO meeting and ten years since we fought in the streets of Miami during the FTAA summit.

This event will be happening amidst a series of “reunion” events celebrating the FTAA Ten Year Anniversary. And in honor of that, we leave you with one of our favorite short spoof films of that era: The Lord of the Ring of Free Trade