2012: My January Outlook

By Jacabag @jacabag
This year, for me, is going to be a crazy one. Lots to do, but never enough time. It's January 9th already, and i'm only just getting around to thinking about my resolutions. So for that reason, I'm keeping them simple.
1. I will go dancing.
I'm pleased with this one so far, as I've been saying I'll do this for ages, but this time I've actually signed up for a class with a friend. Lets hope I can keep up!
2. I will make my house a nice place to be.
With a huge amount of decorating taking over the last six months, I'm beginning to believe that my house will always be half decorated and half torn apart. But it's time to sort it out, and make it nice again. Starting with this a-mazing wallpaper from The House of Hackney.

Animal wallpaper from House of Hackney

3. I will plan a F**king awesome wedding.
Everything is a mess in my head, and that awe inspiring venue is yet to show it's face. But I'm sure once I've got one thing sorted, the rest will follow... right!?
4. I'll attempt to drive in London.
This scares the crap out of me. But with diving lessons as a Birthday present, I can't really avoid it any longer. Wish me luck!
5. I'll learn to use my shiny new sewing machine.
Another Birthday present which will cause as much stress and confusion as learning to drive I'm sure, but I hope I can get the hang of it. And it's purple.. bonus!

Sewing machine from John Lewis

After reading them back they don't sound as simple as I'd hoped. I have a lot of work to do! What resolutions have you made this year...?