2012 Global Editorial Cartoon Competition Deadline Extended

Posted on the 09 July 2012 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal

2012 Global Editorial Cartoon Competition Deadline Extended

Due to popular demand, the deadline for CIPE’s 2012 Global Editorial Cartoon Competition has been extended to September 1, 2012!

Cash prizes totaling $5,000 will be awarded to winning entries, as determined by an open online voting process on the CIPE website. CIPE’s first Editorial Cartoon Competition was a huge success, with 1,000 entries from 73 countries. Finalists and semi-finalists from 2011 were featured in CIPE promotional materials, on the web, in local newspapers, and in print publications. This year’s competition promises to be equally exciting!

Contestants are invited to submit cartoons in any (or all) of the following three categories:

Democratic Governance category

Entrepreneurship category

Youth Empowerment category

Many cartoonists, non-profit organizations, and media organizations – like the U.S. Department of State, Arab Cartoon Net and the European Cartoon Center – have encouraged others to enter the contest and join the global mission to support democracy and market economies. Won’t you do the same?