2012: Craving Part Two: All White

By Fetesvosyeux

Hello dear,
Instead of one post full of blog and style resolutions, I'm gonna show you them in various posts. This is the second one in a row (the first was finally buy an YSL arty ring, see here). I got fascinated and inspired by the color white. When I was a little girl, I never got anything white because I almost always made stains that didn't come out.I kind of got used to whole 'no white for Laura' idea. I'm still the clumse who will spill her juice and food all over her clothes, don't get me wrong, but I would love to own more white, and be more careful. An all white outfit just looks so freakin' awesome. And since the white blouse is one of the keybasics every girl should own, I just don't see why not :).


credit: maffashion, aftrdrk, mode d'amour, tumblr, weheartit