2012, Be My Awesome Year.

By Mmpotrony @mmpotrony
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! Ok, so here I bring to you my 2012 resolutions, I'm definitely committed to make all of them come true, so I will not promise to make those kind of impressive things people say they will do, but never actually do, stay real. Now that I'm going back to Barcelona I have to start realizing that this is my new home and where I have to make my life, cause this last 3 months felt more like vacations, and I spend too much money, wasted a lot of time, and I've been just a tourist, visiting and doing nothing.


Hey guys I have a new look, perfect for a fresh new start, wait soon for a post!

2012 RESOLUTIONS:-Save Money: I will start to save money everyday, even if its 50 cents, I will save something everyday and this money will be untouchable, and at the end of the year I will let you know guys how much I saved, I know it would not be that massive quantity of money, but at least, something is something. I was thinking in getting a job too, but this is not sure so I will not make it a resolution, maybe a summer job! that will be great.-Get Fit: I know, how cliche haha, but I need this!! hahaha and more now that winter will be over soon. Ok so know that I can cook -simple stuff- I will stop going to McDonalds and all those places and as soon as the cold weather goes away I will start going to the gym.-Make my blog a PRIORITY: I need to start blogging more, I know lately I haven,t being around that much and that this is growing really sloe, and its completely my fault, cause I really forget how easy is to post and I always leave it for later, BAD. So at least, I will blog 3 times a week, for starting.-Be more RESPONSIBLE: Now that I'm starting to create my future, I need to be more responsible of my actions. Also with my studies, I'm not used to work that hard cause my high school was sooo easy and was really easy to stand out in anything, but thats no more my reality so I need to step up my game.-Create my Clothe Brand: I will start selling my own clothes made by me obviously haha in my hometown by the second term of this years, thats one of my biggest goals and I will inform you how it goes, promise.-Move to MILANO: My college has this amazing interchange with Milano for a year, so... If everything goes as I expected, i will be moving to Italy.
-Be a BETTER Person: Thats something I've been working on lately and even If it takes a long time and its hard, I can start seeing the difference and i know people around me noticed too....and last but not least...- BE HAPPY: Please 2012, be my AWESOME YEAR :)marinee.