2012 Alamos Wildlands Alliance Bird-a-thon!

By Timschreckengost @timshrek

Two members of the BORDER PATROL, Ben and Mandy (Photo credit: Ben Zyla)

A few good friends of mine and fellow birders are participating in the 2012 Alamos Wildlands Alliance (AWA) annual Bird-a-thon. They are calling themselves the BORDER PATROL. This is a 24 hour birding competition to raise money for the Alamos Wildlands Alliance. The competition will take place between January 31 and February 5.

The AWA is a non-profit ecological research station located in Mexico. The Border Patrol is a team of three people: Ben Zyla, Mandy Proudman, and their friend Ken. As they are good friends, I wanted to ask the readers of Words about Birds to consider making pledges to help raise money for the AWA.

Ben, Mandy, and Ken ask you to pledge a certain amount for every species of bird that they observe during the 24 hour birding period. The pledge could be from $0.01 to $1.00. Ben said that even a penny a bird would go a long way for this organization down in Mexico.

The Border Patrol will be birding in Texas and are hoping to see over 100 species and they feel that they have a good chance of winning. If luck is in their favor, they have the ability to see over 150 species! They will be birding at Bentson-Rio Grande State Park, Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Ester Lllano Grande State Park, Laguna Astascosa National Wildlife Refuge, and South Padre Island.

Any pledge would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

For more information you can visit these links:

Alamos Wildlands Alliance


You can contact Ben to discuss pledges. (theloraxx365 AT hotmail.com)
