2012: A Bookish Review of the Year...

By Girllostinabook
Well I am a little late in posting this. I wanted to officially let 2012 end before I posted my reading stats and favorites for the year. So here goes:
2012 Reading Stats:
Total Books Read in 2012: 191
January 2012: 14February 2012: 16March 2012: 14April 2012: 15May 2012: 17June 2012: 18July 2012: 21August 2012: 17September 2012: 17October 2012: 13November 2012: 15December 2012: 14
Total Reviews on this Blog Completed in 2012: 48
2012 Favorites:
These are my favorite reads from this year:




 1. A Plain Death--Amanda Flower (Appleseed Creek Mystery #1) Review2. Bring Up the Bodies--Hilary Mantel (Wolf Hall Trilogy #2)3. Brownies and Broomsticks--Bailey Cates (Magical Bakery Mystery #1)4.  Child 44--Tom Rob Smith (Leo Demidov #1) Review5. Death of A Schoolgirl--Joanna Campbell Slan (Jane Eyre Chronicles #1) Review6. Gone With the Wind--Margaret Mitchell7. Hearse and Buggy--Laura Bradford (Amish Mystery #1) Review8. In A Treacherous Court--Michelle Diener (Susanna Horenbout & John Parker #1)9. Mr. Churchill's Secretary--Susan Elia MacNeal (Maggie Hope #1)10. Outlander--Diana Gabaldon (Outlander) Review11. Pies and Prejudice--Ellery Adams (Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery #1)12. Princess Elizabeth's Spy--Susan Elia MacNeal (Maggie Hope #2) Review13. Rebecca--Daphne du Maurier14. Sacrilege--S.J. Parris (Giordano Bruno #3)15. The American Heiress--Daisy Goodwin16. The Diviners--Libba Bray (Diviners #1) Review17. The Emperor's Conspiracy--Michelle Diener Review18. The Gods of Gotham--Lyndsay Faye (Gods of Gotham #1)19. The Tower, the Zoo and the Tortoise--Julia Stuart20. The Secret Keeper--Kate Morton Review21. Fall of Giants--Ken Follett (Century Trilogy #1) Review