2011 Garden Beginnings

By Artbycedar

My garden always inspires me and this year is no exception. It’s interesting how something as simple as getting my hands dirty can make me feel more connected to the whole universe. Being one with all of life is definitely a recurring theme in my art.

Things are blooming!

Including my young Cleveland Pear tree, “Cleveland.” I planted this baby tree only a couple years ago and it has grown so tall!

My vegetable plot has been weeded, turned, composted, and mulched, with fresh straw put down for the pathways. I built two small teepees, one for sugar snap peas to climb and the other for pole beans. In the center of the plot you can see a few strawberry plants–I’ve thinned those a lot. I’ve also planted potatoes but they’re still underground.

New oregano and rosemary plants.

Baby sugar snap peas!

I’m also going to plant garlic, some kind of melon, borage, and sunflowers. I’m waiting for farmers’ market season to get starts for my tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, basil, peppers, and marigolds. I love this time of year!