20 Things I Am Loving Right Now.

By Simonea
image via here
hot water bottles
chai lattes
handwritten letters
bacon sandwiches....soft bacon, white bread, toasted, no ketchup
anything written by Maggie O'Farrell or Nora Ephron....there is nothing Nora cannot write & be brilliant about
"Modern Family"....note to Netflix, please add latest seasons ASAP
home improvement programmes, obsessed with these right now
Monday morning coffee
scented candles
Thursday morning Zumba class
Central Park, NYC....image via here
Saturday afternoons in October, if it's wet & windy, all the better
Ikea white Ribba picture frames
grey....paint, knitwear, furniture
bagels with cream cheese, today's breakfast & lunch
Thursday after school hot chocolate with my son (also known as homework time ;))sweet potatoes
going to the cinema, so many good films out at this time of year
lists & deadlines....if it means that it gets done, it's all good
laughing....been missing that a little, now concentrating on doing it much more :)
for my son, still happy to hold my hand when we're out....

Plus, this gorgeous cabin, this beautiful wedding & this delicious winter soup....