20 Little Bigger Things That I’ve Learned This Year /// Life + Love Lessons ///

By Aldy M. @AlDenteGourmet

This year was the most exciting year of my life! Becoming a mother made me grow a lot as a person! My sweet baby Lia has been teaching me so much about love and life since the day she was born!!! In the picture above she was about 2 months old.

Now she's one- year-old! She has grown up so mush now! Even though she's only one-year-old and besides of what I can teach her, I feel that she has been giving me life lessons to me this entire year constantly. Watching her grow every day, somehow makes me see the world in a different way, she have changed the way I used to see things in my life completely. There have been a lot of experiences and lessons that I have learned from Lia but Forgiving freely in any way are the three things that I've been treasuring the most. The simplest things Appreciation, and that shaped my heart, my mind and my soul.

This little person that I love so much has inspired me to become a better version of myself,

She reminded me to forgive and forget more often,

to listen with an open heart,

to have more fun and laugh for no reason,

to say I love you without speaking, to have no fear,

to be brave, to experiment more,

to look for new life adventures,

to treasure every moment we spend together as a family,

to show affection with lots of hugs and kisses to my loved ones more often,

to be "Me" in everything I do

to be cheerful even through times of sorrow,

to pull myself up, to be more humble,

to ask for help when I need it,