20 Books of Summer

By Caroline

20 Books of Summer

I just realized, I’m late to Cathy’s 20 Books of Summer. It’s my first time participating and I had no idea it didn’t start at the beginning of summer but at the beginning of June.

I was always tempted to participate but for some reason never could come up with a list of books. The other day, I was looking at a pile of unread books  on one of the shelves of my newest bookcase and noticed that there were almost 20 very tempting books. I added a few more to have at least one German and one French title, plus one memoir.

Normally, I don’t like to plan my reading but recently decision fatigue has kept me from actually reading and so, having a smaller pile to choose from, sounded like a great idea. It’s a bit like the capsule wardrobes that many people with too many clothes resort to.

Most of the books are rather slim with the exception of Erpenbeck’s Kairos and Edith Wharton’s The Custom of the Country. I’ve already read one book, Willa Cather’s A Lost Lady and am about halfway through Kate Zambreno’s The Light Room.

There are three books of short stories:

Olivier Adam’s – Passer l’hiver

Hilary Mantel’s – Learning to Talk

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s The Thing Around Your Neck

The rest are all novels:

Jenny Erpenbecck – Kairos

Edith Wharton – The Custom of the Country

Willa Cather – A Lost Lady

Elizabeth Taylor – The Wedding Group

P. G Wodehouse – Summer Lightning

Pamela Frankau – The Willow Cabin

Janet Frame – Living in the Maniototo

Penelope Lively – Moon Tiger

Sandra Cisneros – The House on Mango Street

Kaye Gibbons – Charms for the Easy Life

Elaine Dundy – The Dud Avocado

Patricia Lockwood – Nobody is Talking About This

Natasha Brown – Assembly

Jen Craig – Since the Accident

Danielle Dutton – Margaret the First

Kate Zambreno – Drifts

One memoir

Kate Zambreno – The Light Room

I’m very pleased with my choices. There are so many books on this pile that I had wanted to read for ages like The Custom of the Country and Moon Tiger and A Lost Lady that I think, I might actually manage to stick to them.


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