1st Pumpkin from the Garden Used into a Lovely Dinner!

By Sophies Foodie

A few day ago, we had our 1st Pumpkin from our garden,..yes! And it is this beautiful one, A Japanese pumpkin called, you can read it! Look at this lovely one:

And I made this lovely dinner:

I can tell you that my hubby Peter gave my dinner a 10/10! Ooh yes! :) Let’s see how I made it all!

Recipe: For 2 persons, with seconds


For the spiced oven roasted veggies:

420 gr peeled pumpkin, treads & seeds removed, cut up into bite-sized chunks

1 young green courgette, cleaned, cut up into bite-sized chunks ( if you have a big courgette, remove the seeds!)

2 koolrabi’s, peeled & cut up into bite-sized chunks

For the spice-mix:

2 tablespoons finely cut up thyme, big stalks removed

black pepper: 10 grins

Himalayan pink salt in a grinder: 8 grins

1 teaspoon ground garam masala

1/4 teaspoon ground cumin

Smoked paprika powder, the mild version: 1 + 1/2 teaspoon

3 + 1/2 tablespoon of a fruity extra virgin olive oil

For the sweet potato mash:

4 big sweet potatoes, peeled & cut up into chunks

Herbamare salt

unsweetened soy milk

For the fried organic chicken fillets:

280 gr organic chicken fillets

a fruity evoo

black pepper

pink salt


  1. Preheat your oven to 200°C ( 400 F ) for 10 minutes. In the meantime, take a non-stick oven dish & arrange all of your cut up veggies in 1 layer in it. Scatter your thyme all over it & divide your sides too. Now, drizzle your fruity oil all over them, evenly drizzled. With clean hands, mingle everything together & place into the center of the hot oven to roast for about 25-35 minutes or until the veggies are nicely brown coloured & cooked through. Turn veggies over after half of the roasting time. Watch the kohlrabi pieces. Normally, they need a long roasting time. Check with a fork!
  2. At the same time, cook your sweet potato pieces in boiling water until al dente. I added some herbamare salt to the cooking water. Drain well & cook the steam off, on low heat. Now, add a splash or 2 unsweetened soy milk to it & mash. Season with that lovely pink salt & black pepper. Taste one last time. Keep warm.
  3. Fry your chicken pieces into that same fruity oil on both sides until golden brown & cooked through. Season with pink salt & black pepper. Keep warm. Let the chicken rest for about 5 minutes. They need that. Plate up like picture above & enjoy with your loved one & a good glass of Belgian beer like Jupiler! :) MMM! Stay Tuned! If you liked this post & want more of them, join 1,324 email followers! Subscribe by email! It is free!

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Sophies Foodie Files

Filed under: Dairy - Free, Egg - Free, Gardening, Gluten - Free