1st Day New gTLD Totals .Space 1,784; .Band 776: .Rip 348; .How 250; .Ryukyu 143

Posted on the 29 January 2015 by Worldwide @thedomains

Five new gTLD’s had their first day of general availability (GA) yesterday.

Here the total number of domain registrations after the first day.

These total include all domains registered in Sunrise by trademark holders as well as any domains registered during an Early Access Program or Landrush where people paid extra money to get early access to domain registrations:

.Space 1,784

.Band 776

.Rip 348

.How 250

.Ryukyu 143

The purpose of .ryukyu is to promote Okinawa and spread to the world Okinawa brand and is brought to you by GMO.

.Space is owned by Radix Registry.

.Band and .Rip are owned by Rightside (NAME)

.How is owned by Google