1o1 & 1/2 Dalmatians

By Nuttercouture23 @AnikaLovelace
   (pepita pattern coat & shirt - vintage, gifted & DIY studded French cap, gifted Dalmatian-pattern trousers, bag - flea market, 
                 Tally Weijl faux suede wedges)
Dear readers!!! Sorry 4 a little absence, I had some problems with my puppy Arni, he was sick but is recovering now!!! Thank you 4 all comments, they really made my day, which is actually an elections day, so I had to go to vote. And finally - there wuill be no more politicians & their  stupid propaganda in media all around!!!
Talking about the dogs - well...Today I decided to dress the craziest thing from my wardrobe - this Dalmatian dog pattern trousers. As I've mentioned before, I'm big fan of animal prints and this is a little progress from leopards, tigers & zebras. Otherwise, somebody could think that I'm dressed in local-patriotic way because my mom is from Dalmatia, southern and sunny Croatian region where I really like to go for holidays in summertime on seaside, but actually this car that I saw and this statue reminded me that I have that trousers somewhere in the end of my wardrobe that I rarely wear. Because of occasionally circumstances, like football matches, sometimes I'm afraid to wear that because I can never be sure that some drunk football booster can beat me up just because I wear something with a little bit weird + southern (in Europe it's typical that people from north hate the southern ones & vice versa, football conflicts are very usual phenomenon). But it's just a trousers...and could rarely find someone who disliked "101 Dalmatians" in it's own childhood. Me... Born and raised in Zagreb, capital on the north, with light eyes, skin & hair, I don't look quite like  Dalmatian girl (in contrast to all my brown haired/eyed cousins& rest of the family) but when I start to talk, or when I lose the temper, then my southern blood "boil up" and it's better not to touch me...and then when it happen between my mom & me - the result is crazy house. So, today, she even called me Cruella...isn't it ironic??? Okay, this coat is Cruella-esque but how can I be Cruella if I'm half Dalmatian???? And just couldn't refrain from laugh when me and BigB. found out that my wallet matches with my coat....lol...
Btw, what do you think about this statue!!! Many people say it's ugly, but I like it. It's fusion of  Dalmatian dog & tie (cravat - Croatian invention), that was the conception of the project...However, many things that are monumental today, such as Van Gogh's painting,... even Eiffel tower was consider as a mockery disgrace while today everyone wants to see it, climb upon it,...In 50, 100 years or so, it's gonna change, I'm sure
Sincerely yours