1egg1world Global Logo

Posted on the 10 September 2011 by Shadesofgreen @sogcreate

The 1egg1world campaign is trying to raise $1 Million for some grassroots Australian charities. Upon the completion of that project they aim to launch 1egg1world Global, an even bigger attempt at raising funds for important issues worldwide.

The concept: 11 countries around the world, each aiming to raise $1 Million (or equivalent) in their own country for causes important to their own country. As well as raising much needed funds, due to this project reaching a global audience, they see this is gaining some much needed exposure for some of the worlds’ most important issues.

We have design the initial branding for them, based around this logo. The brief was quite clear, the logo needed to include the bold, recognisable branding of the 1egg1world brand, and add a sense of “epicness” to it. We decided to include planets orbiting earth in the logo, each representing one of the countries to take part in the campaign.

This logo and other branding will be used to approach appropriate candidates to run the 1egg1world Global campaign in each participating country. Our work for this campaign will be ongoing, and will include more graphic work and websites as well as promotional videos.

First had to create the national worlds


Each Representatvie Nation then also needed their own logo so I played around with a few different ideas.


Canada never tasted so good.

 1egg1world Global – Coming to a Planet near you!