1950 – The Ruggles Family Christmas Episode

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

You have to be a certain age  to remember these early television programs that began with the post-WWII baby-boom and  defined the ideal in the 1950s.  They were unabashedly decent.  Decency and godly morality were values that television actively promoted!

The Ruggles” ran from 1949-1952.  It starred veteran charmer, Charlie Ruggles, as the father of four.  As preschoolers, my sister and I were intent on the highjinks of the twins, Donald and Donna, played by Judy Nugent and Jimmy Hawkins.  My younger sister developed a huge crush on Jimmy Hawkins when he later played Tag Oakley on the Annie Oakley Show.  So, this post is dedicated to my sister, affectionately known as Little Linilulu.