19 Good Things and 1 Not So Good...#205

By Ventipop @ventipop
10. The Bad - The water aisle at the grocery store seems to metastasize and grow with each and ever visit. I was amazed to find so many different options for water as I stood there mouth agape this past weekend. There's tonic water, seltzer, club soda, spring, mineral, distilled, carbonated, sparkling, infused flavored and oh yeah, just plain tap. I decided to give a new sparkling water called Spindrift a try. Spindrift markets itself as the first sparkling water with only real, freshly squeezed fruit. I purchased the orange mango flavor. As I lifted the full glass to my lips the first thing I noticed was the "fruit been left out in the sun too long" smell. I was raised on the old adage "if you don't have something nice to say..." So, I'll just let Ross say it for me: