19 Essential Medical Tests You Need

Posted on the 21 November 2014 by Health_news

As a kid, we always had regular checkups. But in the adult stage, we forget that we need regular checkups. This helps us to find out any diseases we have. In reality, we need some basic medical tests every year. The reason behind this is, some diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, do not have any symptoms in the early stages. These medical tests help us to detect this type of diseases if we have and it becomes easy for us to control the diseases in the early stages.

  1. Blood pressure test-Every 2 years, you should do this blood pressure test. High blood pressure causes the heart diseases, kidney failures and other critical conditions.
  2. Skin exam- Skin cancer is most commonly found in women. Dermatologists exam your overall body skin, mainly  genitals, scalp and between the toes, to find out any type of moles or suspicious growth. You should undergo Skin test at least once in a year. But if you have a family history of skin diseases, then you should do it after every 3 to 6 months.
  3. Pap smear- You should do the Pap smear test every 3 years. This test helps you to find the suspicious changes in your cervix, which may lead to the cervical cancer. In this test, gynecologist collects the cells from your cervix to check suspicious changes if any.
  4. Cholesterol check-This test reports total cholesterol, bad and good cholesterol, and the type of fat in your blood. There may be risk of heart diseases, if level of total cholesterol is high. Do this every 4 to 6 years. But if you have a family history of heart diseases, then do this more frequently.
  5. Eye exam-Do the eye test every 5 to 10 years, if you are in between 20 to 30. But from 40 years, do it every year. It helps to find out the glaucoma and also the other diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.
  6. Pelvic exam-Pelvic test should be done every year starting from 21 years. By this test, the doctor can observe any unusual changes in your uterus. This helps to find out any infection or fibroids.
  7. STD test-This genital and, blood and urine test is important to find out any sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV.
  8. Clinical breast exam-Do this test, every 2 to 3 years, if are in between 20 and 30. After 40 tears, do this once in a year. Doctor checks your breasts for changes in size or shape.
  9. Mammogram-Every year after 4o year, you should do this test. If you have a family history, then do this test even if you are under 40.
  10. Human Papillomavirus-Women between 30 to 60 years should do this every 5 years pared with the Pap test.
  11. A1C test-It is recommended at an age of 45 years. This test finds out the average blood glucose during 3 months period. It is for diabetes disease.
  12. Vitamin D test-As many of us have vitamin d deficiency, it is recommended to do it in your 20’s.
  13. Complete blood count-This test measures the cell type, which make up the blood. It is recommended for the woman who has heavy period.
  14. Thyroid stimulating hormone test-It is suggested, if you have symptoms like period changes, fatigue.
  15. Cholesterol particle test-This test finds out the LDL cholesterol particles in order to find risk of heart disease.
  16. C-reactive protein test-This test measures the blood level of C-reactive protein.
  17. Coronary calcium scan-It is done to find out the early signs of coronary artery disease.
  18. Dexa scan-It is an x-ray test, which measures bone density. Do it at an age of 65 years.
  19. Colonoscopy-Do this at an age of  50 years. In this test, your colon is examined by doctors for tumors, ulcers. It helps to defend against colon cancer.

Precaution is better than cure. By undergoing the tests suggested above, it becomes easier to identify and cure diseases at earlier stages