1879 Log Jail in Nashville, Indiana

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Nashville, Indiana: 1879 Log Jail

In 1839, Nashville, Indiana wasn’t taking any chances, when it came to prisoners and jail-time.

The present structure, located in the lovely downtown, is an interesting (and quick) look back in the past.

1839 Built Log Cabin

My information is gleaned from the wall poster inside. The first log cabin was, shall we say, maybe a little much for this Indiana town? 

Two layers of 18″ log walls, with an outer, horizontally-laid layer, and an inner, vertically-laid layer composed the two-roomed, two-story structure. Apparently, in this escape-proof jail, the only way in was through the ceiling!

For the bad guy sentenced to spending a bit of time to cool his heels in this Brown County jail, the way inside was accomplished by a rope. The criminal would set inside a door in the upper level floor via rope. Officials would pull the rope back up, leaving the bad guy behind.

A few years before the present structure was built, another layer of logs was needed. The walls measured a whopping 54″ thick!

1879 Built Log Cabin

Nashville, Indiana: 1879 Log Jail

But it wasn’t enough, I guess. The old jail was in need of serious repair and for $1500 bucks in 1879, a new jail, the present building, was built. Now this is a unique piece of Indiana history!

This time around? The walls were built extra thick, with two layers–one foot apart from each other, the middle using horizontal logs!

Inside, you’ll notice the Dutch doors. You know, the doors that are split in half, so in  the case of the jail, the top could be opened in order to pass the prisoner more firewood and other essentials. This time, men had the bottom room and women were put in the top level.

Go There

Nashville, Indiana: 1879 Log Jail History

Take a peek inside the old jail and check out the stark decor. They ask for donations to keep it in shape. Please look for the box and do your part.

The stairs may take you up, but we were unable to peek in the upstairs room that once held female prisoners. The door was closed and locked, unfortunately.

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1879 Log Jail

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